Merge Records

Generally, we want to observe the CPU usage and load average in a record at the same time. The following example demonstrates each inlet yielding its records, and the outlet printing them out individually in order.

    percpu = false
    interval = "1s"
    count = 3
    loads = [1, 5]
    interval = "1s"
    count = 2
    path = "-"
    format = "json"
    decimal = 2

Let's enhance the pipeline by introducing the [[flows.merge]]. This flow allows us to merge multiple records into a single record based on their _ts tag. The resulting record will be a combination of the merged records.

    percpu = false
    interval = "1s"
    count = 3
    loads = [1, 5]
    interval = "1s"
    count = 2
    wait_limit = "1s"
    name_infix = "_"
    path = "-"
    format = "json"
    decimal = 2

[[flows.merge]] promotes the _ts tag to a field that has same name _ts and renames all other fields with the origin _in tag value followed by a underscore and the original name. This operation is conceptually similar to joining tables in a relational database management system (RDBMS). It can be thought of as performing a query:

    _ts, cpu.total_usage, load.load1, load.load5
    cpu._ts = load._ts

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