OLLAMA Telegram Bot

Create Telegram chat bot with OLLAMA

Generates text responses via OLLAMA from user's message.

Replace _YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN_, _OLLAMA_HOST_, and _OLLAMA_PORT_ from the below example with yours. And the "model" parameter of flows.ollama should be pulled in advance.


    level = "info"

    debug = false
    timeout = "1s"

## inlets.telegram set the "text" field for the received message,
## change the field name from "text" to "prompt" which is expected by flows.ollama
## inlets.telegram set the "photo" field for the image file attached  in the message.
## change the field name from "photo" to "image" which is expected by flows.ollama
    set = [
        { field = "text", name = "prompt" },
        { field = "photo", name = "image" },

    address = "http://_OLLAMA_HOST_:_OLLAMA_PORT_"
    timeout = "120s"
    model = "phi3"
    stream = false

## flows.ollama yield a record that has "response" field for the result
## outlets.telegram is expecting "text" for outgoing message.
    set = [
        { field = "response", name = "text"}



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